6 tweaks for
big impact
You can do these things right now to freshen up your site
Is it clear
Does it make sense?
Is it still relevant to your business?
Run it through the magic content filter!
Shake up the layout - a fresh look can do wonders
Swap those old pics for something new - gotta keep it visually interesting!
A little website TLC goes a long way!
Is your brand giving off the right vibes? We can help you make sure it matches your awesomeness!
Does your website look like it belongs to the same business you're running today?
Do you need a re-brand? Be Honest ;) A rebrand can breathe new life into your business, and you might be surprised by the results! Think attracting new customers and reigniting that spark.
Want to explore your rebranding options? I know an incredible branding expert, Sali Williams, she's my GoTO branding GURU.
She's the best honestly. Tell her I sent you ;)
insta @iamsalidesign
No-one likes broken links. Period If a link is dead, delete it. No point in keeping something that doesn't work, right?
Fresh links, please! If there's new or relevant info out there, link it up! Keeping your links fresh keeps your website valuable.
Regular link checks are a must! They help keep your website running smoothly and your visitors happy.
Plugin and apps are pilingup? It happens to the best of us. But those unused apps can actually slow down your website, and noone wants that.
It's time for a digital declutter. Go through your plugins and apps. If you haven't used something in a while, say byeeeee 👋🏼
Save your dollars: You might even be paying for subscriptions you don't need anymore. Double-check those recurring fees!
A lean and mean website runs like a dream. Happy cleaning ;)
Customer feedback is gold. Pay attention.
You might be surprised what you learn!
Implement things that make sense and keep an eye on the resullts.
Or let me work my special kind of website design magic. Redesigns are kinda my thing ;)
(see below, it's real🪄)
See what a website makeover can do! 😍

It's crowded out there - let's get you noticed.
From beautiful colours, creative layouts and clever font choices, every element of your site will be thoughtfully re designed to attract your ideal customer and help Google find you too (higher rankings = more happy customers).
Could your site use a glow-up?(or maybe a whole makeover).
Let me at it!
It might be time for a refresh if:
Your site makes your eye twitch 🫤
Search engines are ignoring you. We'll get your website talking to Google.
Your brand's all-new, but your site's well, not. Let's make them match.
Your site's giving 2019. Just no.
Your business is booming (or changing). Your website should too.
Got shiny new products or services? Show them off with a fresh site.
Need features like online booking or a membership area? We can build them in.
No One-Size-Fits-All Pricing
Every redesign is unique, so I don't have a set price list. I'll chat with you about your project and give you a custom quote based on what you need to get your site working harder for you.
Maybe your website started as a quick DIY (hey we've all been there!) but now it feels a bit meh 😏
Just like your business grows and evolves, your website should too. A few tweaks here, a font change there - you might be surprised how much a refresh can make a difference.
But maybe you need a makeover to make the right impression online.
Why update?
Impress your customers with a fresh design that shows you care and makes a great first impression.
Free Google love (organic SEO). We'll make your site Google-friendly for more organic traffic (aka lovely free website traffic).
Stay ahead of the curve. The online world moves fast - new features and tools can help you reach more customers and keep your site functioning smoothly.

Your website is basically your storefront - open 24/7!
Think of it as a super friendly salesperson who never sleeps and always has the latest info.
